Good Morning
VIPERS - Explain
Click on any of the blue links below to practise
your times tables
Let's practice the 2 times table with Bridget the Lioness
Let's practice the 3 times table with Professor Pipette
Let's practice the 5 times table with Posh Pooch
Small steps...
Say each of the words and digraphs as they appear on the screen. Remember you can pause the video at anytime.
I can...
How many of these split digraphs do you know? On the sheet below fill in the words for each of the pictures.
Challenge myself...
Write a silly sentence for any word with one of our five split digraphs in it.
Choose only five words from the list above to practice.
Which of these do you find a little tricky when writing?
Small steps...
Practice writing each of your chosen words using the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method.
I can...
Write a simple sentence containing my chosen word.
Challenge myself...
In your neatest, joined up handwriting practice writing each of your chosen words in a sentence. You could also practice using conjunctions in your sentences.
Spelling fun:
Take a line for a walk and using your neatest handwriting, write each word in one of the spaces.