Curriculum Intent and Key Principles
Every Child, Every Day, Every Possibility
At Hamworthy Primary Schools, we are determined to provide the very best Curriculum and learning experiences for every child.
Our ethos ‘Every Child, Every Day, Every Possibility’ lies at the heart of all that we do for children, in and beyond our classroom.
We believe that:
Every Child – is an individual, who has every potential for successful learning. We aim to support every individual to become a confident, independent learner, with unique skills, talents and interests.
Every Day – should provide meaningful learning experiences that stretch and challenge all pupils, building a love for learning, in a high-quality learning environment where children can achieve their very best.
Every Possibility – should be provided for all pupils to best prepare them for their next stage in learning and to inspire them to achieve their potential in life.
How to Access Information About the Curriculum
For further information about the curriculum please speak to your Class Teacher. Here is a link to the National Curriculum on the DfE website.