Safeguarding Assemblies
Safeguarding in the Curriculum
Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do at Hamworthy Primary Schools. Huge importance is placed on identifying opportunities in the taught curriculum for children to learn how to keep themselves safe.
Our assemblies provide lots of opportunities for for children to explore values, and moral concepts that positively impact on their safeguarding. For example:
- Bicycle and rail safety (including Bikeability and visits from National Rail)
- Road safety - how to cross the road and safely use pavements
- Bonfire Night safety
- Poolside, swimming and beach safety through swimming lessons and assemblies from the RNLI
- NSPCC PANTS assemblies
- Plays and shows by year group, dealing with topics such as bullying and the use of social media.
- Sun Safe awareness
- Fire safety awareness (including visits from the local Fire Service)
- Work with the Dorset Mental Health Team, particularly around transition to Secondary School for our Year 6 children in the Summer Term.
- Mental Health Awareness Day (10th October)
- Safe use of technology and the Internet
- Kindness Week - Celebrating the differences in everyone, understanding bullying and how to deal with it.
Peer Mediator Training
When the children reach Year 6, they have the opportunity to be a Peer Mediator.
Peer Mediators are trained in conflict resolution techniques to help resolve low level conflicts, address bullying, and prevent arguments in the playground. Peer Mediation is a powerful, positive initiation because it offers effective life skills, conflict resolution tools and supports anti-bullying strategies.
What does the job involve?
Children in the playground can, at times, feel they would rather ask a Peer Mediator to help resolve their issues with a friend. The mediation process involves two Peer Mediators sitting in a quiet area with the children involved and finding a resolution. If the mediators feel that they are not able to resolve the conflict, it is referred to a member of staff. However, we find that often the mediators are able to resolve the situations themselves.
Year 6 Peer Mediator Training
Paul Stevens Visits Year 5
Children in Year 5 and 6 regularly receive visits from Paul Stevens, who brings issues such as bullying and social media use to life through engaging plays and performances. The active participation from the children ensure that everyone benefits and can explore the key themes within a safe environment. The children warm quickly to Paul's quick humour and refreshing plays, with a question and answer session afterwards.
Paul Stevens Visits Year 5
Swim Safety
In the Autumn Term, we welcomed staff from Individuality to teach the children about water safety in and around swimming pools.
In the Summer Term, we look forward to welcoming the RNLI to teach the children about sea and beach safety.
The children across both schools have regular assemblies on keeping safe. We do this by using the NSPCC Pants rule to engage the children and keep the message clear and understandable. You can learn more about the PANTS rule by clicking below.