Home Learning
Home Learning Expectations
To support your child’s learning at home, we will be sending home weekly homework.
For children to make good progress in their reading, we recommend that they read 3 x a week and record it in their home learning diary. This will be checked and signed weekly by the class teacher.
Each week on a Monday, children will be sent home with a list of words to learn that follow a spelling rule that is being taught in class. These words will be tested on the following Monday.
We also expect children to complete the weekly assignment that is set for them on SellingShed. This links with our spelling rule for the week. Your child will have their login in their diary. They can access the website here: www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/
For children to continue to make good progress in their maths, we recommend they practise their times tables and the related division facts using Times Table Rockstars for at least 15 minutes per week. That's just 3 minutes a day!
Your child will also be set a weekly assignment on DoodleMaths. This will always tie in with what they have been learning in class. Your child will have their logins for this in their diaries. The website can be accessed here: www.doodlelearning.com/maths-app