"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination and life to everything."
Music Curriculum Intent:
At Hamworthy Primary Schools we have a wonderful musical environment where children can immerse themselves in their music experiences and lessons. We aim to develop and encourage children as musicians to develop a personal love of music and build an appreciation of a wide variety of music from a range of genres, styles, traditions and include the works of the great composes and musicians. We also emphasise the importance of music appreciation and discussion of performances of professional musicians as well as themselves. We provide many opportunities throughout their journey through our Schools to take part in a variety of musical experiences, including visits from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and taking part in workshops with specialist musicians from our music provider SoundStorm.
Our key skills in music are:
- Singing
- Playing and performing
- Listening and appraising
- Composing and improvising
- Notation
Singing is incredibly important and it is key for children to use their voices in a range of groups and styles. Children from our reception classes through to year 6 enjoy exploring many different genres of music and singing. We provide opportunities for them to sing daily, whether it’s through the use of learning songs; singing as a more formal ensemble with the use of SingUp in their classrooms or in their year group music assemblies.
Curriculum Documents:
The children have regular access to instruments. We begin in reception with exploring untuned percussion instruments and introduce tuned instruments such as the chime bars, handbells and boomwhackers as we travel through the Key Stage 1 curriculum. Children are given the opportunity to begin learning the recorder and by the end of Year 2 they know the basics of playing simple notes accurately. Throughout the Key Stage 2 curriculum, our children are taught several different instruments which allows them to create and compose music on their own or with their peers. With their increasing understanding of the inter-related dimensions of music, composers and development from stick to music notation, they will develop a broad understanding of music throughout their time in our Hamworthy Primary Schools. In addition, we are introducing peripatetic drum and guitar lessons which are accessed from Year 3 onwards. These lessons over time will be offered to more children across the schools.
We ensure that music is delivered through a skills-based curriculum, each week we will learn a new skill or continue to develop and embed skills previously taught. We offer the children the opportunities to develop these and practice them across all areas of the music curriculum. Sometimes these skills are linked to a topic the children are currently learning about in class. Children will have plenty of opportunities to play and explore a wide selection of instruments during their music sessions.
These are a few of our favourite songs we all enjoy singing in our assemblies.
I am the Earth
The Gallery
Singing to the residents of Dorset House - Christmas 2024
Autumn Term 2023 - BSO Recorder and Oboe Duo - TSIS

Autumn Term 2023 - Brass Band Performance - HPJS

Local singer, songwriter Ali Sharpe visits HPJS to teach us a new song written for the Platinum Jubilee