Milk and School Lunches
Children in Year 3 can either purchase a hot school meal from our provider, or provide a cold, healthy packed lunch. Hot lunches are eaten in the school hall and packed lunches are eaten in the classroom.
You will need to pay for a hot lunch for your child now they are at Junior School. However, if you are entitled to Pupil Premium, the government continues to pay for your child's lunches. If you believe you may be eligible, please click on the link below to apply.
Hot School Meals
Our hot meals are provided by our supplier, Chartwells.
To register and order meals for your child, you will need to log onto from 1st August 2024.
When you register your child, please ensure that you tick the box for Universal Free School Meals. Once registered, meals can be ordered for any day, week or the whole term. Amendments can be made online at any time until the cut off of midnight on the Sunday 14 days before the full week in which the meal has been served.
If a meal has not been ordered, please ensure that a lunchbox has been provided and we do not hold spare hot lunches for the children.
Please note that due to several children being severely allergic to nuts, no nuts of any kind are permitted on the premises.
School Milk
Pupil Premium and Service Children
If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium or is a Service Child, they are entitled to free milk at school each day. You do not need to register directly with Cool Milk as the school can do this on your behalf. Please speak to the School Office if you wish to register your child.
Please speak to the School Office if you wish to register your child for free milk.
If you are not entitled to Pupil Premium for your child is not a Service Child, they will not be eligible to receive free milk, but you do have the option to order and pay for the milk directly from Cool Milk and it will be delivered to the school. Please register online at or 0844 8542913.