Playground Buddies
An important part of the Pastoral Care Worker's role is the training and supervising of Year 6 Playground Buddies. Playground Buddies are trained to help encourage positive play with children across the school, but particularly the Year 3s and Year 4s. This involves them organising playground games and activities which they learned in their training; additionally they will look out for children who are on their own or find playing with others difficult and help engage them with play or just talk with them. Playground Buddies help take out and collect in all the playground equipment and take children to the medical room, if an adult has requested them to do so. New Playground Buddies from Year 5 will be trained up in the Summer term in preparation for September. The whole Year 2 group from the Infant School come across to HPJS to do activities and games with these new Playground Buddies during the Summer term. This helps build relationships before the new children start in September and helps them to feel more confident about transferring over to the Junior School.