Early Years
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS)
The Early Years Foundation Stage is delivered through the framework. We deliver aspects of the Framework in the following way:
In the EYFS Framework there are 7 areas of Learning and Development. They are organised into three Prime and four Specific areas of learning.
The prime areas are:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
The specific areas are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
The Prime areas all closely link with one another and are central to all the other areas of learning and development. They represent the earliest stages of development and it is important for children to acquire these skills by the age of five to ensure other areas of development continue to progress.
Our Early Years team work together to provide an exciting, play-based curriculum. We support all children to develop their personal, social and emotional well-being alongside developing a positive attitude to lifelong learning.
Characteristics of Effective Learning
The EYFS Framework values that children develop through the 7 areas at different rates. How well they develop can be determined by how successfully they engage with other people, their environment, and how self motivated they are.
This is known as the Characteristics of Effective Learning and there are 3 key areas demonstrated below:
Playing and Exploring- This develops a child's engagement, e.g. finding out, having a go, pretending & taking a risk.
Active Learning- This develops motivation, e.g. concentration, persistence, effort, satisfaction, etc.
Creating and thinking critically- This develops thinking, e.g. problem solving, creating ideas, planning, adapting & reviewing.
At Twin Sails, we highly value the Characteristics of Effective learning and report to parents on how their child is progressing in these areas termly.
In Early Years, we highly value the topic approach. All Learning has a purpose and is largely linked to the current topic. The team will publish the overview for each half terms topic on their Year Team/ Class page- please refer to this area of the website for the most up to date information.