Staff Team
Inclusion - Whole School
The Federation has an experienced, high quality, Inclusion Team, consisting of members of the Senior Leadership Team, SENDCo, Classroom Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Pastoral Care workers, ELSA's, dedicated Speech and Language Teaching Assistants, medically trained Teaching Assistants and SEND Teaching Assistants.
Our skilled SEND TAs work in different ways to support children which can include;
- Support in class
- 1:1 support
- Work in small groups
- Support through a range of intervention programmes
Our dedicated team work closely with outside healthcare and education professionals, as well as the Hamwic Trust to ensure the best possible support and care for our children and families.
Mrs Susannah Hill, Headteacher of the Federation, has overall responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disability in both Twin Sails Infant & Nursery School and Hamworthy Park Junior School.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) across the Federation is Mrs Sarah Brown and can be contacted through the main office: or by phone 01202 672377
The Governor with oversight of the arrangements for SEN and disability is Mrs Cherry Bailey, who can also be contacted through the main office email and telephone.