Playground Pals
The Pastoral Care Worker is responsible for training and supervising the Playground Pals. Two children from each class across Year 2 are trained at the beginning of the year. They are trained to use restorative questioning to help solve problems that may arise at playtimes.
Two children are on duty every playtime, they can be identified by wearing a yellow tabard with smiley face on the front . Peer mediation principles are followed.
Here is an example of the questions they ask:
What happened?
What were you thinking?
How were you feeling?
Who else was involved?
What do you need to make things better?
A restorative approach in school shifts the emphasis from managing behaviour to focusing on building, nurturing and repairing relationships.
Each term assemblies are delivered to remind the whole school of the Playground Pals role and responsibilities and how they can help solve problems.