Home Learning
Home learning will be provided each week on a Friday. This will need to be completed and submitted by the following Wednesday.
Thank you for your continued support.
Regular reading is vital for your child to make progress with their literacy skills. The children read at least twice each week in school with their class teachers to develop fluency and comprehension skills.
Your child would benefit enormously by reading at least three times per week for a minimum of 10 minutes. Please record your child's reading in their reading record book as they are regularly checked and monitored.
The more your child reads at home, the greater their chances of winning a reading prize!
Thank you for your continued support regarding reading.
Maths Home Learning will be provided through the Numbots website. There is also a downloadable app for devices that can be used at home. Each child has a unique log in and pin to access the Maths content. They can practise number bonds, times tables and mental arithmetic.