Key Information
Class Email Accounts:
Dolphins -
Seals -
Sharks -
Whales -
Year 1 PE
The children in Year 1 have PE on a Tuesday and Friday.
In the PE bag your child will need:
Black or navy shorts
Yellow or blue t-shirt
We will let you know when the children require outdoor PE kit.
Please ensure your child's PE kit is named and in school so they are able to practise changing. We will send these home every half term to be washed.
Please could all earrings be removed on PE days for your child's safety.
Home Learning
Home learning is sent home on a Friday and we ask that it is returned by the following Wednesday. You will also find the home learning under the home learning tab on our Year 1 page.
Regular reading is vital for your child to make progress with their literacy skills. The children read three times each week in school with an adult to develop fluency and comprehension skills.
Your child would benefit enormously by reading at least three times per week for a minimum of 10 minutes. Please record your child's reading in their reading record book as they are regularly checked and monitored.
The children earn a raffle ticket for every three reads recorded in their reading record and names are drawn every Friday... you've got to be in it to win it!
Thank you for your continued support.