Admission Consultation for 2026-2027
Hamwic Education Trust are now consulting on the admissions policy for 2026-2057. The consultation ends on Wednesday 29th January 2025. If you have any comments you would like to make about the policy, please send them to Claire Shaw, Education Access Officer, at
2025 - 2026 Admission Policies
Choosing an infant and junior school place for your child is a significant decision and we are delighted that you are thinking of applying to Hamworthy Primary Schools.
Applications for Reception and Year 3 for a September 2025 start are now open. Applications and the closing date is 15 January 2025. There is no benefit to applying early as the applications are not ranked until after the closing date. Should you apply after 15 January 2025, your applications will not be ranked until after National Primary Offer Day, which is 17 April 2025.
BCP Council have provided these useful guides on school admissions:
Guide to Applying for an Infant School Place
Guide to Applying for a Junior School Place
The Admissions Policy at Twin Sails Infant School and Hamworthy Park Junior School supports and welcomes applications from service families. If you are applying under service premium grounds, you will need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and submit this to BCP School Admissions when making your application. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the SIF has been completed correctly. A cope of the Supplementary Information Form can be found below for you to download.
If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place at one of your applied schools, your child's name will be added to our waiting list and their position on this list will be determined by the same criteria on our Admissions Policies below. Therefore, please be aware that your child's position on our waiting lists can move up and down should a later application meet a higher criteria. Please contact the School Office at any time to find out your child's position on our waiting list.
Waiting lists are held for one academic year and expire at the end of the Summer Term. If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place by this time, and wish to remain on the waiting list, you will need to re-apply for the next academic year. This can be done from 1 June 2026.
If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place at a preferred school, you have the right to appeal this decision with an Independent Appeal Panel. Information on appeals can be found here.
Please note that you can only appeal a decision once an academic year and you cannot appeal if you have been offered a higher preference of school for your child.
Appealing for a School Place
Parents have a right to express a preference for the school they would like their child to attend and you can express a preference for up to four schools. If you are unsuccessful in being offered a place at one of your listed schools, the most common reason will be that the school received more applications than places available and other children had a higher priority for a place when the admissions policy was applied.
Parents/carers should click HERE for the Hamwic Education Trust Admission Appeals webpage for admission appeals information and to lodge an appeal via the online Appeals Portal.
Appeals Timetable 2023
Twin Sails and Hamworthy Park Service Supplementary Information Form
Twin Sails Infant School and Nursery Admissions Policies
Hamworthy Park Junior School Admissions Policies
The Admission Policies for Hamworthy Park Junior, 2021- 2024, had an omitted statement in the over subscription criteria (number 3). This has been corrected and the amended Policies are now on this website and with the Local Authority. Our Governors and the Local Authority are aware and it has been confirmed that no applications were unfulfilled due to the missing criteria.