Wellbeing Events
Supporting Parents Webinar
We are supporting Mental Health Awareness Week 13-19 May 2024
What are the benefits to moving more?
- Exercise releases feel-good chemicals in the brain, call endorphins, which help children feel happier and more positive about themselves and the world around them.
- Physical activity is a great way for children to release built-up tension and stress. Moving their bodies can help them feel calmer and more relaxed, reducing worries and anxieties.
- Regular exercise has been shown to improve concentration and focus in children.
- It also helps improve the quality of sleep.
- Exercise is often more enjoyable with friends or family, having fun together.
- Teaches children important coping skills for dealing with challenges and emotions, children learn resilience and how to bounce back from setbacks.
(from ELSA Support Website, www.elsa-support.co.uk)
Mental Health in School Parent/Carer Workshops
National Children’s Mental Health Week - Feb 2024
The week of the 5th February is National Children's Mental Health Week, which is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and give a voice to all children and young people in the UK.
Now in its tenth year, the theme this year is, 'My Voice Matters,' where we seek to empower children of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.
Please find attached an invitation to a Parent Webinar, run by the Mental Health in Schools Team. If you wish to attend, please sign up by scanning the QR Code on the poster. You may also find the links below useful.
Kindness Week - November 2023
From 13th - 17th November, our schools celebrate Kindness Week. We have been spending time in assemblies and classrooms learning what it means to be kind. For our Infant School children, we made badges to give to our friends, and we have been learning the difference between bullying and unkind words.
Children have been practising their kind words with their friends and peers across the year group.
We also have our Kindness Tress, set up in the foyer, by the main entrance to the school. Children have been writing what it means to be kind and attaching their notes to the tree. It is lovely to see the children's words and what kindness means to them.
Mental Health Awareness Week - Oct 2023
During this week we were raising the awareness of positive mental wellbeing. On Tuesday 10th October we supported WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY, with a non-uniform day and children were welcome to come to school wearing a yellow item. As well as talking in our classes about positive mental wellbeing we held special themed assemblies throughout the week too.