Key Information
PE days:
PE kits will be kept on your child's peg and sent home at the end of every half term for washing. PE kit should be provided in a bag and include a t-shirt and a pair of shorts (this does not need to have school logo or be any particular colour). As the children will be in the hall, we do not require any trainers or plimsoles in their PE bags.
Although the Nursery team will be on hand to help and support all children, we will be encouraging all children to be independent. Please practice at home with your child getting changed and putting on their own shoes and socks. This is will help us to ensure the children get the most out of their PE slots.
Please ensure all PE kit and Nursery uniform items are all clearly named to avoid lost property.
Focus group time:
We have adult lead Literacy and Mathematics activities every day in our starfish groups. Within the literacy session we provide the children engaging games that teach oral blending and phonemic awareness. We also provide the children with a rage of activities that support their number and problem solving skills.