Therapeutic Play
A safe, confidential and caring environment is created which allows the child to play with as few limits as possible but as many as necessary (for safety). The child is given Special Time.
So often in modern life we never seem to have enough time to spend with our children - just playing, just being there for them. The child is given strategies to cope with difficulties they face in life and which they themselves cannot change.
It provides a more positive view of their future life. They may be with individual or groups of children. A variety of techniques - the Play Therapy Toolkit are used according to the child’s wishes and the skills of the therapist. These may include:
- Storytelling
- Creative Visualisation
- Drama
- Puppets & Masks
- Music Dance, Movement
- Sandplay
- Painting & Drawing
- Clay, Plasticine & Playdough Games

We are very lucky to have two summer houses at Twin Sails Infants and a Pastoral Room and several other lovely spaces at Hamworthy Park Juniors that we use for therapeutic interventions.
The spaces are fully equipped with the necessary play equipment and resources needed to set the scene for a calming, relaxing atmosphere where children can explore and express their feelings.