Home Learning
Home Learning in Year 5.
Spellings are given out weekly on a Monday. Children are then tested on these the following week. Children have been been given lots of ideas on how to practice these at home.
As well as weekly spelling tests, we regularly assess the children's spelling of statutory spellings from the Y3 and 4 lists sent home at the beginning of the year.
Home Learning pages from the CPG KS2 English and Maths books are handed out on a Friday and then collected in on a Thursday. We ask that parents mark these with their children (answers are in the back of the books). These pages will consolidate their learning in the classroom.
Reading- Children should be reading to an adult every day and these should be signed in the children's diaries.
Times Table Rock Stars is encouraged to be played 10 minutes a day. We will have 'battles' over the year and we encourage children to join in with these.