Key Information
Year 3 PE and Swimming Timetable 2024-2025
AUTUMN TERM (September - December)
Games Lessons | PE Lessons | Swimming Lessons |
Thursday | Tuesday |
SPRING TERM (January - Easter)
Games Lessons | PE Lessons | Swimming Lessons |
Thursday | Tuesday |
SUMMER TERM (Easter - July)
Games Lessons | PE Lessons | Swimming Lessons |
Thursday | Monday |
Class Emails
These email addresses can be used to contact the class teacher if you have any questions or you would like to send in any work that your children have completed at home.
Please inform the school office of any absences.
PE Kit
It is important that you ensure your child has the appropriate kit for the allocated days.
- black shorts, black football socks and a navy blue school logo t-shirt.
- black shorts, black football socks and a navy blue school logo t-shirt.
For outside games pupils need football boots, shin pads and trainers in all year groups and they will be barefoot for indoor P.E. Black plimsoles may be worn for dance and gym.
A navy blue tracksuit may be worn in cold weather. Leggings may be worn in cold weather but must be plain in colour, either black, blue or grey. (For hygiene reasons, your child must not wear their school jumper for games.)
Swimming Kit
- sensible trunks/shorts and swimming hat (shorts must be above the knee)
- a one piece costume and swimming hat.